Shadow Puppet (Oceania etc.)

Cocos (Keeling) Islands: Shadow puppet

Cocos (Keeling) Islands: Shadow puppet
  1994.06.16 / 4 peaces / #293-6
  In shark skin, it is made shadow puppet.

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Cocos (Keeling) Islands: Shadow puppet

ココス(キーリング)諸島: ワヤン・クリット | 人形劇切手
 ココス(キーリング)諸島: ワヤン・クリット | 人形劇切手
2018.10.16 / 1SS(4)+4peaces / #----
The puppets featured on the stamps form part of the collection of the Pulu Cocos Museum (opened 1987), where they have been housed since the shire had them restored.


Tonga: Parent-child Silhouette Playing outside

ウガンダ: ジャワの・ワヤン・パペット・エンブレム | 人形劇切手
1993.01.26 / 2 peaces/ #832-35
Family Planning.


Tuvalu: The 7th Asian International Stamp Exhibition

Tuvalu: The 7th Asian International Stamp Exhibition
1995.08.19 / ss(1) peaces / #702
And Hanyuman, Rama Prince of Wayan Puruwa.
Traditional dance and Indonesian traditional shadow theater of Tuvalu.


United Nations (headquarters): UNICEF 15 years

United Nations (headquarters): UNICEF 15 years 
1961.12.04 / 3 peaces / #97-99
Feeding mother bird chicks, UNICEF mark. Cutouts that appear to shadow theater.